you afraid of being GREAT

If you are afraid of being GREAT, then I'm talking specifically to you.

“That’s because, you afraid of being GREAT!”
I’ve heard my cousin say it a thousand times and not just to me. He says it to everybody. I can overhear him say it to someone else and I cringe as though he’s directing it to me personally. It’s not the phrase that makes me oh, so, uncomfortable. I think it’s a classic line. So wonderful, that I’m sharing it with you. You know what gets under my skin, the way he says it. He says it like you’re a liar and you ain’t gonna do nothing. He says it as though it is a dare, a challenge. He says, "you afraid of being GREAT," like you’re a top notch wuss or something. Like you’re all talk and he’s sick of hearing the sound of your voice hammer out a GREAT dream that will never be realized. He says it like you don’t want, what you say you want, as bad as you say you want it. Did you follow that? Here it is again. Do you want what you say you want? GREATNESS. How bad do you want it? GREATNESS. What are you willing to do to get it? GREATNESS. 

Now, I can’t tell you if he’s thinking all of these things when he says, "you afraid of being GREAT" or not. He doesn’t actually say it. But that’s what enters into my ears, tingles in my brain, and settles in my lion—I ain’t no punk—heart. I mean this dude says, “you afraid of being GREAT,” and I want to get up like it’s an alarm clock, signaling that it's time to move and prove. One day, Maurice (Come Get You Some) Hawkins will say, “you afraid of being GREAT.” I’m going to pull out ALL of the dreams that I have materialized, stack them up to the sky, point to all of my accomplishments, and laugh. “No cousin, I am GREAT!”

The real question is what are you going to do? Imagine me all up in your face, looking you straight in the eye, and saying it to you right now, "you afraid of being GREAT." Are you going to say, "no I’m not afraid of being GREAT" and prove it. Or, are you just gonna sit around and waste your life away, showing me that you are too afraid to be GREAT! You have all these GREAT ideas ticking inside you, threatening to explode. It’s up to you to defuse yourself. You can’t sleep at night, because you are dreaming of that thing. Don’t sleep, get up and plan that GREAT thing out. You see a need in the world and you know exactly what to do to fill it. Get busy filling, until the world is brimming over with your GREATNESS. Quit waiting for a magic potion, there isn't one. No, I take that back. Step 1 is your first ingredient, followed by Step 2 . . . You get it? Now, get out of your own way. Unless, (insert your name here) _________ really is, afraid of being GREAT.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

© 2010 author, Nakia R. Laushaul - The Truth As I See It: In Poetry & Prose


d cates said...

Great stuff Nakia. You're intimidating. But that's a good thing. Some days, I think yes, I AM afraid of being great. I'm too tired. I'm unfocused because I can't harness perfection like I'd like. But I also know I don't have to snatch greatness alone. God is so willing to help us if asked.

Nakia, a Social Butterfly said...

Intimidating... Say it ain't so. I'm putting my bestest, encouraging voice out here. But you are very right, God is willing. Actually He wrote greatness into the plan when He created us. We just have to tap into it.

Carla Blain said...

WOW Nakia, thanks I really needed that all up in my face. I miss you so much and its nice to still have a piece of you. Thanks....

Arnette said...

That was on point. I really needed to here that. Sometimes the only thing keeping us from our Greatness is the sacrifice and effort. Thank you for that PUSH...keep making your Dreams a Reality.....

Nakia, a Social Butterfly said...

Thank you Carla, remember, getting up in your face is followed by a big hug! I miss you too!

Exactly Nette. Greatness is also about perspective. My success is relative to what I desire and what I'm willing to sacrifice.